A Lover’s Conversation
A lover’s heart can be lost in the moment to circumstances and events that put you at a distance from your muse – whether real or imagined. One is entangled in the pursuit of artistry or accomplishment and the other is hungry. Hungry for touch, to be wanted, needed, and regarded as part of the other. What a person will do to be with and gain the affection of their love is often shocking to oneself. That hopelessly lost feeling – oh god I have felt it. When it seemed like I was invisible to the one I loved, I would do anything to be with him. I understand how crazy love can be, so much so that you will cross your own boundaries, forget your values, to selfishly pursue that thing you crave. You will even forsake your own life and all that is good and right to fill the hunger… just to be with the one you love.
* “Sometimes I jump ahead in our life together
and I see a time near the end.
I can predict the future and everything is settled
and all our lovers and children and friends come back
and are welcome.
And we have large gatherings
where everyone is laughing and playing games.
I am older and I see things differently now
and I finally understand you.
I take care of your dresses and keep them from dust
and ghosts
and time….”
Yes, but right now we are here
“of course we are”
and I am getting hungry.
This conversation excerpt from * Phantom Thread, the movie, inspired me to write this. No spoiler here, all I will say is that we will quietly do whatever we discover works when it comes to love – whether you are the giver or the taker.