There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.
~ Edith Wharton
I wanted to share a message from my dear friend Kadena TateSimon, below. It is beautifully said. I appreciate Kadena’s sensitivity and responsiveness, as always, sharing the heart of love. As for me, there is nothing else to say but to encourage each of us to “love and live in tolerance and acceptance, understanding and kindness, to spread our love and our joy to the best of our ability, and to CHOOSE this way. Then, when we fail (and we will) in our attempts, get up and start over with more wisdom and love than before.”
Fellow human beings….
At some point you will need to take a good long look at your belief system.
Common sense will reveal that your beliefs about race, sex, age, religion, beauty, and money are exactly that – yours.
You do not have the right to lie, steal, cheat and kill others because they share a different viewpoint and/or life experience than yours.
You do not have the right to threaten and terrorize people because their appearance, culture, custom, sexuality and religion is different than yours.
You must mature. You must learn how to love, respect and appreciate our differences.
Can you imagine how AWFUL this world would be if we all looked, thought and behaved the same?
Thank God for diversity. There IS unity within diversity.
Peace is possible. It begins within your own heart.
You do not have the right to lie, steal, cheat and kill others because they share a different viewpoint and/or life experience than yours.
You do not have the right to threaten and terrorize people because their appearance, culture, custom, sexuality and religion is different than yours.
You must mature. You must learn how to love, respect and appreciate our differences.
Can you imagine how AWFUL this world would be if we all looked, thought and behaved the same?
Thank God for diversity. There IS unity within diversity.
Peace is possible. It begins within your own heart.