November 11, 2017Categories living in the now LoveAhhhh love…. my cherished teacherTo be present in the moment and embrace each nuance of it is a gift we must learn to recognize, and there is no better teacher for this than love.
April 25, 2016Categories Living in the momentThis Moment CountsIf I’m remembered for having done a few good things, and if my presence here has sparked some good energies, […]
December 25, 2015Categories Holidays Living in the momentEach Moment is a Treasure“Every moment we shared is now my favorite.” So often we miss out on the moment because we are too […]
July 27, 2015Categories the futureHow Far Ahead can You See?Another great Monday Mojo I had to share from Seth Kahan from Have a great day and a fabulous […]
February 24, 2015Categories Celebrate LifePressed Coffee and FreedomPressed Coffee and Freedom For my brother Bruce Every morning I have a little routine to start my day. […]
January 22, 2015Categories contentmentThe Contentment HabitAnother great blog post by Leo Babauta at Zen Habits, there is truly a beautiful universe in each moment we become aware […]
April 16, 2014Categories LoveI Didn’t Fall in Love. I Rose in It.I wanted to share this article that was shared out by and written by Orsolya Hajnali so beautifully that […]
November 14, 2013Categories Awareness Navagating life WisdomLearning to Hesitate for a Happier Life“Regret is unnecessary. Think before you act.” ~ William Shockley, Physicist How many times have you blurted out something […]